This impact story was published by The Trailblazer Foundation. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

A hope for a healthier and better future

Dear Debra,

Thank you for your gift of clean water through the Trailblazer Foundation! Your generosity will support two families like Lo Ven’s.

Ven and her husband live in Sanlong Village in a rural region of Cambodia. They support their two sons and daughter as farmers on their half hectare of land, which they farm with their two cows and oxcart. They live in a house made with palm leaf walls and use two bicycles for transportation. They also own some chickens, ducks and pigs to augment their food securities.

Thank you for giving someone like Ven and her family a gift that keeps on giving: one that eliminates water borne illnesses from her family. Clean water brings them hope for a healthier and better future.

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