A hope for a healthier and better future
posted September 11, 2013

Thank you for your gift of clean water through the Trailblazer Foundation! Your generosity will support two families like Lo Ven’s.
Ven and her husband live in Sanlong Village in a rural region of Cambodia. They support their two sons and daughter as farmers on their half hectare of land, which they farm with their two cows and oxcart. They live in a house made with palm leaf walls and use two bicycles for transportation. They also own some chickens, ducks and pigs to augment their food securities.
Thank you for giving someone like Ven and her family a gift that keeps on giving: one that eliminates water borne illnesses from her family. Clean water brings them hope for a healthier and better future.
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Hope of a better life for Yoeun
posted July 17, 2013

Oeun Yoeun and her children are so happy to have clean drinking water. Thank you for giving this gift of a bio-sand water filter. Yoeun and her two daughters live in a wood house in Svay Chek, a village in Cambodia. They have only one bicycle to get around, two cows for farming, and five chickens as a source of food. Thank you, Nghia, for bringing clean water and hope of a better life to Yoeun and her daughters.
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Long and his wife have a healthier life
posted July 9, 2013

Thank you for coming together to provide a well to a rural family in Cambodia. The well you purchased now gives Long Kroch and his wife clean water!
Long and his wife live in Kbal Kropuer, a village northwest of Siem Reap, Cambodia. They survive by farming rice with the help of their three cows, and can store away 1,000kg for the season. They share one bicycle to get around their village and to get to and from the local market.
With this well, Long and his wife can irrigate a garden to grow additional sources of food. This will allow them to improve their diet and earn a bit of extra income as they sell the produce at the market. Thank you again for giving this gift of water and bringing Kroch and his wife a healthier life.
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This donation:
May 1 |
Kowsilliya view profile
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A garden and more from the gift of a well
posted May 6, 2013

Thank you for your gift of a water well through the Trailblazer Foundation. Your generosity supports Jhem Youk’s family. Youk, his wife and two children live in a house made with palm leaf walls in Sambuor, a village in Cambodia. They have one bicycle, two cows, and an oxcart for transportation. With their cows they also plow their rice field and can grow and store 1,000 kilogrmas of rice for the season. To supplement their diet with protein, they harvest eggs from their three chickens.
With your well, the Youk can irrigate a garden and grow more food for his children. They may even be successful enough to harvest extra and sell it for a little income. Thank you, Kowsilliya, for giving Youk and his family the gift of water and the hope of a better life.
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Pi’s family has hope for a better life
posted May 6, 2013

Thank you for providing Hi Pi and his family clean drinking water. Pi, his wife, two sons, and daughter live in Tropaing Thom, a village in the Reul Commune in Northwest Cambodia. They live in a wood house and share one motorbike and one bicycle to get around. With their ox cart and two cows they farm their one hectare rice field and are able to grow and store away 1,750 kiloggrams of rice for the season.
Thanks to your contribution, Ryan, they now have clean water and will no longer suffer from diarrhea or other waterborne diseases. Pi’s children will be able to stay in school, and Pi and his wife will have more energy to better provide for their family. Thank you for giving this gift of water that brings them hope of a better life.
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Two families now have water!
posted May 1, 2013

Thank you very much for your support of the Trailblazer Foundation. Your combined efforts provided a well to someone like Thab Doeun and his 12 member family. Doeun’s family live in a palm leaf house in Cambodia, seen in the background, and have no means of transportation. They have only 1 chicken to give them a supply of eggs to augment the 300 kg of rice they store for the season.
This well will give them a year-round supply of water for their personal needs as well as the ability to start and irrigate a garden for increased food security. The extra food will provide more nutrition to their children and they can practice better sanitation and hygiene with the extra water. Thank you Jason, Tom, Jason, Ken, Craig, and Lauren for bringing water and a better, healthier life to Doeun and his large family.
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This donation:
Dec 25 |
Christophe view profile
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Dec 24 |
Karen view profile
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These children now have clean drinking water!
posted May 1, 2013

Thank you for your gift of clean water through the Trailblazer Foundation! One of the easiest ways to combat poverty and disease is to provide access to clean water sources. In Cambodia, village women and children are responsible for collecting water for the family, often from long distances. This can take up a good part of the day, leaving little time or energy to farm, cook, take care of family–especially the sick and elderly–clean, work for money outside the home, or go to school. By having a well near their home it provides young girls the free time to attend school. For these people, access to safe drinking water is the foundation upon which their health, education, food, livelihood, and gender equalization depends.
Karen and Christophe, your generosity supported two families like Tok Dav’s. Dav supports his family of seven (three females and four males) as a farmer. They live in a house made with palm leaf walls and have no modern form of transportation. With a oxcart and 3 cows they farm their 1 hectare rice field and can grow 2,500 kilograms of extra rice to store it for the season. They have one pig and six chickens to augment their food securities. Dav is very happy that his family has safe water to drink. His children will grow up healthier and stronger and will be able to stay in school because they won’t be sick from bad water. Thanks again for giving the gift that keeps on giving.
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This donation:
Mar 18 |
Adele view profile
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Mar 12 |
Anca view profile
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Mar 11 |
Samrawit view profile
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Mar 8 |
Mary view profile
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Mar 3 |
Stephanie view profile
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Feb 27 |
Maja view profile
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Feb 5 |
Vivek view profile
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Feb 1 |
Theodore view profile
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Jan 31 |
Joy view profile
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Jan 21 |
Emily view profile
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Jan 19 |
Ryann view profile
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Dec 31 |
Steven view profile
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Bringing water to a poor rural family
posted May 1, 2013

Thank you for bringing water and hope to Chuch Un and her extended family of eight in Cambodia. Un’s family lives in a palm leaf house and have no means of transportation. They can only grow and store 200 kilograms of rice for the season to feed their family. They have eight chickens which provide them a steady source of eggs, but have no other livestock to augment their food supply.
Through your combined generosity, the Trailblazer Foundation provided Chuch Un with a well. They now have year-round access to water, which gives them the ability to irrigate a garden and increase their food securities, nutrition and health conditions. Without having to worry about their water source or quantity of water they can practice better hygiene and sanitation for their children. Thank you for giving Un and her family a better life with access to water!
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This donation:
Apr 13 |
Anita view profile
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Family of nine receives endless clean water
posted April 17, 2013

Thank you for your gift of a bio-sand water filter through the Trailblazer Foundation. Your contribution supports Bun Song and her family of nine. Song, her husband and seven other women live in a palm leaf house in the village of Reul Commune. They have no form of transportation and own one pig for food security or income generation.
Now that Song and her family members have clean water, their children will be healthier and able to stay in school, and the adults will be able to work better to support the family. Thank you bringing water and hope to this poor family, Anita!
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Lout and his family receive never-ending health benefits
posted March 27, 2013

Thank you for your gift of a bio-sand water filter through the Trailblazer Foundation. Your contribution supports Lout and his family in Cambodia.
Lout, his wife and three children live in a house made with palm leaf walls. They own one motorbike and two bicycles to get around, and have one oxcart with two cows for farming their rice field. Additionally, they have two pigs to augment their food security or for income generation. They are able to store 1,500 kilograms of extra rice to get them through the season. They are happy to have this gift of water and for the health benefits it will provide them. Thank you for giving the gift that will keep on giving.
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