Choeut and her family can grow their own vegetables
posted August 17, 2012
Thank you for your gift of a well for Koch Choeut and her family.
Choeut’s family is comprised of three units with six males and six females. They live in a palm leaf house in Bostatrav village and share one bicycle among themselves.
They have no livestock with which to farm their rice field, or to augment the 500kg of rice which they are able to harvest and store for the season. With this well they can now irrigate a garden and increase their food securities.
Thank you for bringing water and hope of a better life to Choeut and her family.
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Un’s family is thrilled to receive your gift
posted August 17, 2012
Thank you for your gift of a well.
Your well was provided to Chuch Un and her family who live in Bostatrav village. Un’s family consists of two units with three males and five females. They live in a palm leaf house and have no form of transportation. They can only grow and store away 200kg of rice, which barely lasts the entire season. To augment their food securities they have eight chickens.
Now with this well they have sufficient water to irrigate a garden and increase their food supplies. Thank you for bringing water and hope of a better life to Un and her family members.
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Bringing a smile to children’s faces
posted August 17, 2012
Thank you for your gift of a well for Chuch Koy and his family.
Koy’s family consists of thee units with six males and eight females. They live in a palm leaf house and share one oxcart, and two cows which they use for transportation and for farming their rice field. To augment the 400kg of rice they can store for the season they have three chickens.
Now with this well they have access to enough water to irrigate a garden and are looking forward to growing their own vegetables to increase their food securities.
Look at the smiles your gift has brought to the faces of Chuch Koy’s family members! Thank you again for bringing water and hope to Koy’s family.
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Lim cannot thank you enough for your gift
posted July 16, 2012
Thank you for your gift of a water filter.Your gift was provided to Lun Lim and his family.
Lun Lim supports his two sons, wife, and two daughters as a farmer on their three hectares of land. They live in a house made with palm leaf walls and share one bicycle to get around. Their only livestock consists of two chickens to augment their food securities. Lim is very happy that his family will now have clean water to drink and his children will no longer suffer from diarrhea and other water borne diseases. Thank you for bringing them clean water and hope of a better life.
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This donation:
May 20 |
Christopher view profile
Vong and her family have safe drinking water now
posted July 16, 2012
Thank you Christopher for your gift of a water filter to Leng Vong and her family.
Leng Vong and her family of four other females live in Cambodia and farm their one hectare rice field with two cows and their oxcart. To provide additional food sources they have chickens. For transportation they share one bicycle between all five females.
Vong is happy that her family will no longer suffer from the ill effects of contaminated water. Thank you for bringing Vong’s family clean water and hope for a better future.
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This donation:
Jul 10 |
Sarah view profile
Jul 1 |
Winda view profile
Pon and her family can look forward to having better food now
posted July 16, 2012
Thank you for your gift of a drinking water well to Poeun Pon and her family.
Poeun Pon, her husband, daughter, and four sons live in a palm leaf house in Cambodia. They do not have any means of transportation, and neither do they have any livestock to augment their food supplies. The family survives on the 400kg of rice they are able to grow and store for the season. They are happy to have a sufficient water source from which they can start a garden and grow more food to feed their children. Thank you for bringing water and hope to Pon and her family.
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This donation:
Jun 30 |
Erin view profile
Erin view profile
Erin view profile
Keely view profile
Heather view profile
Rohan view profile
Jun 26 |
Mary view profile
Jun 17 |
Elizabeth view profile
Jun 5 |
Samrawit view profile
May 17 |
Tanu view profile
Tanu view profile
May 16 |
Caron view profile
May 14 |
Don view profile
May 8 |
Maja view profile
Ut and her family will eat better now
posted July 16, 2012
Thank you for your gift of a well to Lach Ut and her family.
Ut, her husband, daughter, and grandson live in a palm leaf house. They have no form of transportation or livestock. They farm their rice field and are able to grow and store 600kg of rice for the season. Since they now have a well, they can irrigate a garden and grow vegetables to augment their food securities.
Thank you for bringing water and hope of a better life to Ut and her family!
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This donation:
May 17 |
Tanu view profile
Tanu view profile
Phat’s received a gift that keeps on giving
posted May 25, 2012
Thank you for giving the gift that keeps on giving.
The water filter that you gifted has been given to Yem Phat and her family of nine, including five men and four women, who live in a palm leaf house in rural Cambodia. They are farmers, and they own .2 hectares of land and two cows. They also have a single chicken to increase their food security. They share one bicycle as their only form of transportation. Now, with clean water, they will no longer suffer from water-borne diseases and have hope for a better life.
Thank you for making this possible for Phat and her family!
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This donation:
Mar 12 |
Elizabeth view profile
Feb 28 |
Don view profile
Feb 23 |
Federica view profile
Ins’ family now has the gift of hope
posted April 10, 2012
Thank you for your gift of a drinking well to Kham In and her family.
Kham In and her family live in Prasat Village in Cambodia. In’s family consists of two males and four females and they make their living as farmers. They live in a palm leaf house and share one bicycle to get around. With their oxcart and two cows they can grow rice to feed the family. They have no other livestock with which to augment their food security. With this well they can now start a garden and grow more food.
Thank you for bringing water and hope to In’s family.
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This donation:
Feb 22 |
claire view profile
Feb 20 |
Mash view profile
Feb 7 |
Anil view profile
Phatt now looks forward to growing his own vegetabls and fruits
posted February 28, 2012
Phatt supports his wife and son as a farmer in Prasat Village. They live in a house made with wood but have no form of transportation or livestock. With your well they can now begin growing vegetables and fruit trees to improve their food supply and their health.
Thank you for giving Phatt and his family this wonderful gift and for bringing them water and hope of a better life. His wife and son are standing beside the drinking well that you made possible for them.
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