This impact story was published by The Trailblazer Foundation.
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Dec 22 |
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posted January 12, 2012
Thank you so much for your gift of clean water to Horm Mao and her family. Horm’s family lives in the village of Kokkak in Cambodia, in a house made with palm leaf walls. They have no livestock. The family survives by growing rice on their half-hectare field. Rice is their main staple and they are able to store 1200 kgs of rice for the season.
Now that Horm and her family have a bio-sand water filter the have clean drinking water. Their health will improve. All the women will grow strong and healthy. Your gift will keep on giving for years to come.
The installation of the water filter was delayed by several weeks because the recent floods in Cambodia made it impossible for Trailblazer workers to travel to far off villages, and it was for this reason that some of our impact stories have been delayed.However, in the aftermath of the devastating floods, the work done by Trailblazers in bringing clean water to the villagers in Cambodia assumes even more significance than it had before.
Thank you again for giving hope to Horm and her family.
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