This impact story was published by The Trailblazer Foundation. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Khoeu Loeu earns a living by working outside the house

Khoeu Loeu (Prasat village)
Dear Tom,

Thank you for your gift of clean water to Khoeu Loeu’s family.

Khoeu Loeu lives in the village of Parsat in Cambodia in a house made with palm leaf walls. The family comprises of 3 females and 2 males. Unlike most of the villagers who are farmers, Khoeu Loeu earns a living by working outside the home. The family has no form of transportation or livestock.  They have 1/2 a hectare and can grow and store 1,200 kg of rice for the season.

Your donation enabled Trailblazers to give a bio-sand water filter to Khoeu Loeu’s family. Now that the family has a bio-sand water filter they have access to clean drinking water, and their health will improve. Your gift will keep on giving for years to come.

Thank you again for giving hope to Khoeu Loeu’s family.

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