This impact story was published by The Trailblazer Foundation. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Clean water for a family

Dear Prasad,

Thank you for your gift of a bio-sand water filter through the Trailblazer Foundation. Your contribution supports N. Mao and his family in Svay Chek, a village in Cambodia.

Mao supports his family of nine as a farmer. They share a motorbike as their main mode of transportation. With their oxcart and one cow, the family works their half hectare rice field and can grow 800 kilograms of extra rice to last the season. They supplement their food with eggs from their chicken. Thanks to you, Prasad, Mao and his kin will no longer suffer from waterborne diseases and they will be able to grow healthy and stronger. Thank you for bringing water and hope to Mao and his family.

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